URI Signing Plugin

This remap plugin implements the draft URI Signing protocol documented here.

It takes a single argument: the name of a config file that contains key information.


Take care in ordering the plugins. In general, this plugin should be first on the remap line. This is for two reasons. First, if no valid token is present, it is probably not useful to continue processing the request in future plugins. Second, and more importantly, the signature should be verified before any other plugins modify the request. If another plugin drops or modifies the query string, the token might be missing entirely by the time this plugin gets the URI.



The config file should be a JSON object that maps issuer names to JWK-sets. Exactly one of these JWK-sets must have an additional member indicating the renewal key.

  "Kabletown URI Authority": {
    "renewal_kid": "Second Key",
    "keys": [
        "alg": "HS256",
        "kid": "First Key",
        "kty": "oct",
        "k": "Kh_RkUMj-fzbD37qBnDf_3e_RvQ3RP9PaSmVEpE24AM"
        "alg": "HS256",
        "kid": "Second Key",
        "kty": "oct",
        "k": "fZBpDBNbk2GqhwoB_DGBAsBxqQZVix04rIoLJ7p_RlE"

If there is not precisely one renewal key, the plugin will not load.

Although the kid and alg parameters are optional in JWKs generally, both members must be present in keys used for URI signing.

Auth Directives

It’s occasionally useful to allow un-signed access to specific paths. To that end, the auth_directives parameter is supported. It can be used like this:

  "Kabletown URI Authority": {
    "renewal_kid": "Second Key",
    "auth_directives": [
      { auth: "allow", uri: "uri-regex:.*crossdomain.xml" },
      { auth: "deny",  uri: "uri-regex:https?://[^/]*/public/secret.xml.*" },
      { auth: "allow", uri: "uri-regex:https?://[^/]*/public/.*" },
      { auth: "allow", uri: "uri-regex:.*favicon.ico" }
    "keys": [

Each of the auth_directives will be evaluated in order for each url that does not have a valid token. If it matches an allowed path before it matches a denied one, it will be served anyway. If it matches no auth_directives, it will not be served.

It’s worth noting that multiple issuers can provide auth_directives. Each issuer will be processed in order and any issuer can provide access to a path.

More Configuration Options

Strip Token

When the strip_token parameter is set to true, the plugin removes the token from both the url that is sent upstream to the origin and the url that is used as the cache key. The strip_token parameter defaults to false and should be set by only one issuer.


The id field takes a string indicating the identification of the entity processing the request. This is used in aud claim checks to ensure that the receiver is the intended audience of a tokenized request. The id parameter can only be set by one issuer.


  "Kabletown URI Authority": {
    "renewal_kid": "Second Key",
    "strip_token" : true,
    "id" : "mycdn",
    "auth_directives": [
    "keys": [


The URI signing plugin will block all requests that do not bear a valid JWT, as defined by the URI Signing protocol. Clients that do not present a valid JWT will receive a 403 Forbidden response, instead of receiving content.

Tokens will be found in either of these places:

  • A query parameter named URISigningPackage. The value must be the JWT.

  • A path parameter named URISigningPackage. The value must be the JWT.

  • A cookie named URISigningPackage. The value of the cookie must be the JWT.

Supported Claims

The following claims are understood:

  • iss: Must be present. The issuer is used to locate the key for verification.

  • sub: May be present, but is not validated.

  • exp: Expired tokens are not valid.

  • nbf: Tokens processed before this time are not valid.

  • aud: Token aud claim strings must match the configured id to be considered valid.

  • iat: May be present, but is not validated.

  • cdniv: Must be missing or 1.

  • cdniuc: Validated last, after key verificationD. Only regex is supported!

  • cdniets: If cdnistt is 1, this must be present and non-zero.

  • cdnistt: If present, must be 1.

  • cdnistd: Renewal token cookies will have cdnistd path segments of the request in their path attribute.

Unsupported Claims

These claims are not supported. If they are present, the token will not validate:

  • jti

  • cdnicrit

  • cdniip

In addition, the cdniuc container of hash is not supported.

Token Renewal

If the cdnistt and cdniets claims are present, the token will be renewed. The new token will be returned via a Set-Cookie header as a session cookie.

However, instead of setting the expiration to be cdniets seconds from the expiration of the previous cookie, it is set to cdniets seconds from the time it was validated. This is to prevent a crafty client from repeatedly renewing tokens in quick succession to create a super-token that lasts long into the future, thereby circumventing the intent of the exp claim.

JOSE Header

The JOSE header of the JWT should contain a kid parameter. This is used to quickly select the key that was used to sign the token. If it is provided, only the key with a matching kid will be used for validation. Otherwise, all possible keys for that issuer must be tried, which is considerably more expensive.


To build from source, you will need these libraries installed:

… as well as compiler toolchain.

This builds in-tree with the rest of the ATS plugins. Of special note, however, are the first two libraries: cjose and jansson. These libraries are not currently used anywhere else, so they may not be installed.

Note that the default prefix value for cjose is /usr/local. Ensure this is visible to any executables that are being run using this library.

As of this writing, both libraries install a dynamic library and a static archive. However, by default, the static archive is not compiled with Position Independent Code. The build script will detect this and build a dynamic dependency on these libraries, so they will have to be distributed with the plugin.

If you would like to statically link them, you will need to ensure that they are compiled with the -fPIC flag in their CFLAGs. If the archives have PIC, the build scripts will automatically statically link them.

Here are some sample commands for building jansson, cjose and trafficserver locally using static linking. This assumes all source is under ${HOME}/git.


If using local jansson:

cd ${HOME}/git
git clone https://github.com/akheron/jansson.git
cd jansson
autoreconf -i
./configure --disable-shared CC="gcc -fpic"
make -j`nproc`

# Needed for ATS configure
ln -s src/.libs lib
ln -s src include

If using local cjose:

cd ${HOME}/git
git clone https://github.com/OpenIDC/cjose.git
cd cjose
autoreconf -i
./configure --with-jansson=${HOME}/git/jansson --disable-shared CC="gcc -fpic"
make -j`nproc`

# Needed for ATS configure
ln -s src/.libs lib


cd ${HOME}/git/
git clone https://github.com/apache/trafficserver.git
cd trafficserver
autoreconf -i
./configure --enable-experimental-plugins --with-jansson=${HOME}/git/jansson --with-cjose=${HOME}/git/cjose
make -j`nproc`