
Set the data associated with a secret name specified in the config.


#include <ts/ts.h>
TSReturnCode TSSslSecretSet(const char *secret_name, int secret_name_length, const char *secret_data, int secret_data_length)


TSSslSecretSet() updates the current secret map. Generally the secret name corresponds to the name of a certificate or a key. Future creation of SSL_CTX objects that use the secret will use the newly specified data. It can be useful to call this function from the TS_LIFECYCLE_SSL_SECRET_HOOK.


Get the data associated with a secret name specified in the config.


#include <ts/ts.h>
char *TSSslSecretGet(const char *secret_name, int secret_name_length, int *secret_data_length)


TSSslSecretGet() fetches the named secret from the current secret map. If there is no secret with the given name, the returned pointer will be null, and the secret_data_length output parameter will be set to zero. If the returned pointer is not null, it points to a buffer containing the secret data. The secret_data_length output parameter will be set to the length of the secret data. The buffer containing the data must be freed by calling TSfree().


Tell Traffic Server to update the SSL objects dependent on the secret.


#include <ts/ts.h>
TSReturnCode TSSslSecretUpdate(const char *secret_name, int secret_name_length)


TSSslSecretUpdate() causes Traffic Server to update the SSL objects that depend on the specified secret. This enables a plugin to look for multiple secret updates and make calls to TSSslSecretSet() to update the secret table. Then once everything is updated call TSSslSecretUpdate() to update the SSL objects with a consistent updated set of secrets.