Regex Remap Plugin

This allows you to configure mapping rules based on regular expressions. This is similar to what you can accomplish using mod_rewrite in Apache httpd, but obviously not as flexible or sophisticated (yet).

To use this plugin, configure a remap.config rule like

map @pparam=maps.reg

The file name parameter is always required. Unless an absolute path is specified, the file name is assumed to be a path relative to the Traffic Server configuration directory.

The regular expressions listed in the configuration file are evaluated sequentially. When a regular expression is positively matched against a request URL, evaluation is stopped and the rewrite rule is applied. If none of the regular expressions are a match, the default destination URL is applied ( in the example above).

An optional argument (@pparam) with the string “profile” will enable profiling of this regex remap rule, e.g.

... @pparam=maps.reg @pparam=profile

Profiling is very low overhead, and the information is dumped to traffic.out, located in the log directory. This information is useful to optimize the order of your regular expression, such that the most common matches appears early in the file. In order to force a profile dump, you can do

$ sudo touch remap.config
$ sudo traffic_ctl config reload

By default, this plugin operates on the post-remap URL (including any remappings done by preceding plugins in the remap rule). This behavior can be modified with the optional parameter

@pparam=[no-]pristine            [default: off]

With @pparam=pristine, the plugin will operate on the pre-remap, or pristine, URL. (But, if no regular expression in the config file is matched, the resulting URL will still be the post-remap URL.)

By default, only the path and query string of the URL are provided for the regular expressions to match. The following optional parameters can be used to modify the plugin instance behavior

@pparam=[no-]method              [default: off]
@pparam=[no-]query-string        [default: on]
@pparam=[no-]host                [default: off]

If you wish to match on the HTTP method used (e.g. “GET“), you must use the option @pparam=method. e.g.

... @pparam=maps.reg @pparam=method

With this enabled, the string that you will need to match will look like


The methods are always all upper-case, and always followed by one single space. There is no space between the method and the rest of the URL (or URI path).

By default, the query string is part of the string that is matched again, to turn this off use the option ‘no-query-string’, e.g.

... @pparam=maps.reg @pparam=no-query-string

Finally, to match on the host as well, use the option ‘host’, e.g.

... @pparam=maps.reg @pparam=host

With this enabled, the string that you will need to match will look like


A typical regex would look like


The regular expression must not contain any white spaces!

When the regular expression is matched, only the URL path + query string is matched (without any of the optional configuration options). The path will always start with a “/”. Various substitution strings are allowed on the right hand side during evaluation

$0     - The entire matched string
$1-9   - Regular expression groups ($1 first group etc.)
$h     - The host as used in the "to" portion of the remap rule. For a long time it was the original host header from the request.
$f     - The host as used in the "from" portion of the remap rule
$t     - The host as used in the "to" portion of the remap rule
$p     - The original port number
$s     - The scheme (e.g. http) of the request
$P     - The entire path of the request
$q     - The query part of the request
$r     - The path parameters of the request (not implemented yet)
$c     - The cookie string from the request
$i     - The client IP for this request


The $0 substitution expands to the characters that were matched by the regular expression, not to the entire string that the regular expression was matched against.

You can also provide options, similar to how you configure your remap.config. The following options are available

@status=<nnn>               - Force the response code to <nnn>
@active_timeout=<nnn>       - Active timeout (in ms)
@no_activity_timeout=<nnn>  - No activity timeout (in ms)
@connect_timeout=<nnn>      - Connect timeouts (in ms)
@dns_timeout=<nnn>          - Connect timeouts (in ms)

@overridable-config=<value> - see :ref:`ts-overridable-config`

@caseless                   - Make regular expressions case insensitive
@lowercase_substitutions    - Turn on (enable) lower case substitutions

This can be useful to force a particular response for some URLs, e.g.

^/(ogre.*)/bad  @status=404

Or, to force a 302 redirect

^/oldurl/(.*)$$1 @status=302

Setting the status to 301 or 302 will force the new URL to be used as a redirect (Location:).