Upgrading to ATS v10.x

Feature Changes

Removed and Deprecated Features

The following features, configurations and plugins are either removed or deprecated in this version of ATS. Deprecated features should be avoided, with the expectation that they will be removed in the next major release of ATS.

  • Removed Features * HostDB no longer supports persistent storage for DNS resolution * Removed support for the MMH crypto hash function

    • Traffic Manager is no longer part of Traffic Server. Administrative tools now interact with Traffic Server directly by using the JSONRPC Endpoint.

      • traffic_ctl server

        As a part of the above feature removal the backtrace, restart, start, status options are no longer available in this Traffic Server version.

  • Deprecated Features

    • Next Protocol Negotiation (NPN) support has been deprecated from ATS and will be removed in the next major release.

  • Removed Libraries

    • mgmt_c - Client library for traffic_manager

Changes to Features

The following features have been changed in this version of ATS.

  • Remap ACLs

    Changed in-line ACLs to match before activated ACL rules. For details refer to: https://github.com/apache/trafficserver/pull/11033 and ACL Filters.

  • Administrative API (RPC)

    Moved away from the binary serialization mechanism used to comunicate between Traffic Server and the tools to a JSON-RPC text based protocol. Underlying Unix Domain Socket protocol remains the same. Check JSONRPC 2.0 Protocol for more details.

  • Other changes

    • It is now a fatal error when ATS cannot bind or listen to a configured port

    • Propagate socket options specified in proxy.config.net.sock_option_flag_in to newly accepted connections

    • HostDB internals were restructured, this should (externally) be backwards compatible. In any case you can check HostDB for more details.

API Changes

The following APIs have changed, either in semantics, interfaces, or both.

  • Changed TS API

    • TSHttpTxnAborted

    • TSMimeHdrPrint

    • Enum values for hooks and events have been changed (ABI incompatible change)

    • TSSslSecretGet

  • New TS API

    • TSContScheduleOnEntirePool

    • TSContScheduleEveryOnEntirePool

  • Removed TS API

    • TSContSchedule

    • TSHttpSsnArgSet

    • TSHttpSsnArgGet

    • TSHttpSsnArgIndexReserve

    • TSHttpSsnArgIndexNameLookup

    • TSHttpSsnArgIndexLookup

    • TSHttpTxnArgSet

    • TSHttpTxnArgGet

    • TSHttpTxnArgIndexReserve

    • TSHttpTxnArgIndexNameLookup

    • TSHttpTxnArgIndexLookup

    • TSHttpTxnClientPacketTosSet

    • TSHttpTxnServerPacketTosSet

    • TSMgmtConfigIntSet

    • TSUrlHttpParamsGet

    • TSUrlHttpParamsSet

    • TSVConnArgSet

    • TSVConnArgGet

    • TSVConnArgIndexReserve

    • TSVConnArgIndexNameLookup

    • TSVConnArgIndexLookup



  • Removed INK UDP API

    • INKUDPBind

    • INKUDPSendTo

    • INKUDPRecvFrom

    • INKUDPConnFdGet

    • INKUDPPacketCreate

    • INKUDPPacketBufferBlockGet

    • INKUDPPacketFromAddressGet

    • INKUDPPacketFromPortGet

    • INKUDPPacketConnGet

    • INKUDPPacketDestroy

    • INKUDPPacketGet


The cache in this releases of ATS is compatible with previous versions of ATS. You would not expect to lose your cache, or have to reinitialize the cache when upgrading.

Configuration Changes

The following incompatible changes to the configurations have been made in this version of ATS.

The records.config file has been renamed to records.yaml and now it is structured in YAML format. Check Converting records.config to records.yaml and records.yaml for more details.

The following records.yaml changes have been made:

The following changes have been made to the sni.yaml file:

  • disable_h2 has been removed. Use http2 with off instead.

  • The ip_allow key can now take a reference to a file containing the ip allow rules

  • valid_tls_versions_in has been deprecated. Use valid_tls_version_min_in and valid_tls_version_max_in instead.

  • Simplify wildcard support and matching order of the fqdn field

    • Allow single left-most *

    • Do NOT support regex

    • Allow $1 (capturing) support in the tunnel_route field

    • Matching depends on the order of entries (like remap.config)


Removed Plugins

The following plugins have been removed from the ATS source code in this version of ATS:

  • mysql_remap - Dynamic remapping of URLs using data from a MySQL database.

  • acme

  • cache_key_genid

  • fast_cgi

Changes to Features

The following plugins have been changed in this version of ATS.

  • regex_remap - matrix-parameters parameter has been removed. The string that follows a semicolon is now included in path.

  • header_rewrite - MATRIX part specifier has been removed. The string that follows a semicolon is now included in PATH part.

  • maxmind_acl - The regex part in its configuration takes the entire URL of a request, not just the path.

  • rate_limit - Few changes were made on this plugin:

    • A YAML based configuration, reloadable even as global plugin.

    • SNI aliases

    • The IP reputation objects are now shareable for many SNIs.

    for more details, please check Rate Limit Plugin.

Lua Plugin

  • The following Http config constants have been renamed:



  • The following functions have been removed:

    • ts.http.client_packet_tos_set

    • ts.http.server_packet_tos_set

    • ts.client_request.get_uri_params

    • ts.client_request.set_uri_params

    • ts.server_request.get_uri_params

    • ts.server_request.set_uri_params


  • The HTTP connection metric proxy.process.http.dead_server.no_requests has been renamed to proxy.process.http.down_server.no_requests.

  • The network metric proxy.process.net.calls_to_readfromnet_afterpoll has been removed

  • The network metric proxy.process.net.calls_to_writetonet_afterpoll has been removed

  • New cache metrics proxy.process.cache.stripes and proxy.process.cache.volume_X.stripes that counts cache stripes

  • All metric names that ended in _stat have had that suffix dropped and no longer end with _stat

  • The metric proxy.node.cache.contents.num_doc was removed

  • The metric proxy.node.config.reconfigure_required was renamed to proxy.process.proxy.reconfigure_required

  • The metric proxy.node.config.reconfigure_time was renamed to proxy.process.proxy.reconfigure_time

  • The metric proxy.node.config.restart_required.proxy was renamed to proxy.process.proxy.restart_required

  • The metric proxy.node.restarts.proxy.cache_ready_time was renamed to proxy.process.proxy.cache_ready_time

  • The metric proxy.node.restarts.proxy.stop_time was renamed to proxy.process.proxy.start_time

  • The following traffic_manager metrics have been removed: - proxy.node.hostname_FQ - proxy.node.hostname - proxy.node.proxy_running - proxy.node.restarts.proxy.restart_count - proxy.node.restarts.proxy.start_time - proxy.node.http.parent_proxy_total_response_bytes


The cqtx log field has been removed, but can be replaced by cqhm pqu cqpv.

The cqhv log field has been removed.

The cpu, cquc, cqup, and cqus log fields have new names, pqu, pquc, pqup, and pqus. The old names have been deprecated.

The chi log field now represents the IP address of the previous hop if Proxy Protocol is used.