ATS Release Procedure Steps

  • Make sure all commits are in the branch being worked on

  • Update the and trafficserver.spec version numbers

  • Run make changelog to generate a new changelog file for the new version (this is based on GitHub Milestone tags, so make sure PRs/Commits are properly tagged with the new version)

  • Commit the new changelog, and trafficserver.spec files

  • Run make rel-candidate, this will generate the tar files and create a RC git tag

  • Push the new tag, git push origin <tag_name>

  • Upload the tar files to your own for hosting

  • Have someone double check the build, sha, etc.

  • Call for a vote on the RC

  • After the vote has passed update the tar files to remove the RC and update the sha value

  • Publish to apache releases

svn checkout
cd trafficserver
mv ../trafficserver-${version}.tar* .
svn add trafficserver-${version}.tar*
svn commit . -m "Release $version"
cd ..
rm -rf trafficserver
  • Publish the updated version information to the TrafficServer website