Block Errors Plugin


The block_errors plugin blocks connections for clients that have too many HTTP/2 errors on the server.

The plugin tracks users based on their IP address and blocks them for a configurable amount of time. The existing connection that experience errors and is over the error limit will be closed. The plugin also supports on the fly configuration changes using the traffic_ctl command.


To enable the block_errors plugin, insert the following line in plugin.config:

Additional configuration options are available and can be set in plugin.config: <error limit> <timeout> <enable>

  • error limit: The number of errors allowed before blocking the client. Default: 1000 (per minute)

  • timeout: The time in minutes to block the client. Default: 4 (minutes)

  • enable: Enable (1) or disable (0) the plugin. Default: 1 (enabled)

Example Configuration 1000 4 0 1

Run Time Configuration

The plugin can be configured at run time using the traffic_ctl command. The following commands are available:

  • block_errors.error_limit: Set the error limit. Takes a single argument, the number of errors allowed before blocking the client.

  • block_errors.timeout: Set the block timeout. Takes a single argument, the number of minutes to block the client.

  • block_errors.enabled: Enable or disable the plugin. Takes a single argument, 0 to disable, 1 to enable.

Example Run Time Configuration

traffic_ctl plugin msg block_errors.error_limit 10000

traffic_ctl plugin msg block_errors.timeout 10

traffic_ctl plugin msg block_errors.enabled 1