.. Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Copyright 2020, Verizon Media .. include:: ../../../../common.defs .. include:: ../txnbox_common.defs .. highlight:: yaml .. _design: ************ Design Notes ************ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 config.en class-reference.en Background ********** The overall work here has gone through several iterations, including a previous design for |TxB| and and YAML based overhaul of "remap.config". At the Spring 2019 summit, it was decided this overhaul, changing only the configuration for "remap.config", wasn't worth the trouble. The decision was made to instead authorize a complete reworking of all of the URL rewriting machinery. This was based on the full that if the format was to be changed, the change should take full advantage of YAML, disregarding any previous configuration or specific functionality to avoid multiple configuaration changes. It was required that anything that could be done currently could continue to be done, but without any requirement to do it in a similar way. That is, any existing "remap.config" could be converted to the new YAML configuartion with the same functionality. It is hoped that some of this can be automated, but that is not required. A primary goal of the work was also to be to minimize the number of times the request, and particularly the URL, was matched against literals or especially regular expressions. The existing configurations of various sorts all required independent matching resulting in the comparisons being done repeatedly. This is true both between different configurations and inside "remap.config". To avoid that, however, required the new URL rewrite configuration to be much more powerful and general such that it could perform the functions of these other configurations, including * hosting.config * cache.config * parent.config * The `header_rewrite` plugin. * The `regex_remap` plugin. * The `cookie_remap` plugin. * The `conf_remap` plugin. * The `cache_key` plugin. This was not as large a task as it might originally seem, as just a few basic abilities would cover most of the use cases. In particular these are * Set or remove fields in the header. * Set per transaction configuration variables. * Set the upstream destination. * Respond immediately with a specific status code. This covers redirect, access control, and similar cases. Notes ***** Overall Design =============== Where possible I have designed to provide fewer but more flexible features that can be used in a variety of combinations, as opposed to more specialized mechanisms that work for specific cases. There are several purposes to this project. * Providing a more generalized set of operations for working with transactions. This primarily involved separating data access from data use, making them orthogonal. This makes any data that can be extracted usable for any purpose. * Consolidating transaction manipulation so that rather than a constellation of distinct plugins with different syntax and restrictions, |TxB| provides a single toolbox sufficient for most needs. A consequence of this is that |TxB| will replace a number of current plugins. * Being extensible, so that it is easier to add new mechanisms to |TxB| than to create a new plugin for some task. * Configuration based on YAML * Standarization, as YAML is a popular mark up language. * Consistency with the future of |TS| which is converting to YAML for all configuration. * Exteral tool support - there is no shortage of YAML oriented tools available. |TxB| uses `libswoc `__ and `YAML CPP `__. .. note:: The code and this documentation is under rapid development, sections may already be outdated. In addition, much of this has yet to be implemented and represents future work. Time permitting, this will be made clearer. Extraction and Selection ======================== The previous work on URL rewriting cofiguration was based heavily on direct boolean expressions, each of which would be evaluated in order to select a paricular rule. When that was ruled out I decided it would be better to a more "slicing" style for the configuration, where early decisions would preclude having to check other, no longer possible conditions. For instance, consider a comparison using series of regular expression such as ".*[.]example[.]one", ".*[.]example[.]two", etc. as the host. These must be compared, one by one, until a match is found. Do_with |TxB| is possible to first to a (fast) suffix check for "example.one". If there are multiple regular expressions for hosts in that domain, then those can as a group be checked or not depending on the suffix check, reducing the overal number of comparisons. In current practice and expected practice, it is generally the case that some aspect ("feature") of the transaction is considered and multiple comparisons are made to that feature to determine a course of action. That is the model for this work. Extractors ========== The heart of the flexibility in this work is the concept of extractors in format strings. This allows the configuration to reach in to the transaction and pull out data in easily combined ways. This requires two things for extractors: * It must be (relatively) easy to make new extractors. This means the majority of the work should be getting the data, with a minor part being integrating it in to the extractor framework. * All extractors must have a text form of output. Initially I debated the idea of feature types that wree not strings, but eventually decided that there where a few types worth making exceptions in order to provide more powerful comparisons. Requiring that text output be available is key to making the extractors useful in non-selectin contexts, primarily as values during HTTP header manipulation. Having a single mechanism for accessing data in the transaction was a key design goal, so that it need be written only once to be available for both (and other) uses. String Features =============== Other feature types are scalars and therefore easily copied. String features (which are by far the most common) are copied around as views but this doesn't alleviate the requirement to be careful with the backing memory for those views. The class `FeatureView` is used to track a full along with the source of the memory for the full. This is needed only in the `Context` object which tracks transaction local data. For the `Config` object is is sufficiently efficient to always copy any non-transient string to local storage, as this is only once per configuration. For a :code:`Context` the goal is to avoid copies of transient strings while providing safe access to strings that are referenced later. When a string feature is used for selection, it is copied to temporary arena memory. If the string is transient, which means it is referenced only in that specific selection, then it can be abandonded to be overwritten by a future selection. This minimizes allocation. In some cases the :code:`Context` can do even better and use a string in external (to |TxB|) memory, such as the value of a field in a HTTP header, and not copy the feature even to temporary memory. This also works if the string use is transient as described above. However, if the feature is referenced later, it needs to be stabilized. :code:`FeatureView` tracks three cases * Transient - the string exists only in the context local temporary memory. * Literal - the string is in the :code:`Config` local memory. * Direct - the string is in external memory which is unstable. These are handled in different ways. ``Literal`` is the easiest - nothing needs to be done as the string (from the point of full of the transaction processing) is persistent. A ``direct`` string needs to be copied if referenced later because the plugin cannot make assumptions about the durability of external memory, but on the other hand if it is transient it does not need to be copied to temporary memory either. Strings that are neither of these exist in the temporary memory and don't need to be copied again, it is only necessary to "allocate" the temporary memory in which the string resides to prevent overwritting. No Backtracking =============== This is modeled somewhat on the current "remap.config" where once a comparison for a rule is matched, the rule is selected and no other rules are considered, but if the rule doesn't match it is skipped entirely. The behavior of :code:`with` matches this, in that one of the comparisons matches and no other rule at that level is considered, or none match in which case the :code:`with` is entirely skipped and the next directive at that level invoked. This rule should also (I hope) make maintenance and the associated debugging easier, since a comparsion match limits future actions to that specific subtree, results from other previous subtrees cannot "leak" into the matched one. If a particular directive is invoked, then the path to that invocation is unambiguous and moreoeve that state of things and previous directives is likewise. It was pointed out this makes multi-tenant easier, because the CDN owner can perform top level selection to "lock in" each tenant, who can then create configuration that cannot interfer with other tenants. Directive / Extractor Parameters ================================ In practice, many directives and extractors work better if a parameter can be supplied. The classic example is :code:`proxy-req-field` which sets a field in the proxy request. This needs two values, the name of the field and the value to set. Originally this was done by passing in a list as :: proxy-req-field: [ "X-txn-box", "active" ] to set the "X-txn-box" to the value "active". Overall when using this I found it a bit clunky and decided to support parameters for the directive, so that this becomes :: proxy-req-field@X-txn-box: "active" I haven't managed to get much feedback on this concept, but I think overall the lack of need to do list syntax for such a common operation. One advantage is this can be used with extractors, although this leaves the question of why not use the format extension? The one point is having the same syntax for both is a benefit, which is not possible with the format extension. Note this prevents using extraction to get the field name. If that turns out to be a problem I would probably make such directives have an alternate form :: proxy-req-field: name: "X-tnx-box" value: "active" This seems satisfactory for the occasional use. Currently I don't have a use case where extracting the field name is needed and so this remains on the concept box. Boolean Expressions =================== Do_with the addition of the :code:`not` comparison and suport for implicit "or" in other comparison operators such as :code:`match`, it is possible to implement the "NOR" operator, which in turn is sufficient to represent any boolean computation. Although this seems to make that somewhat obscure, in practice use of complex booleans expressions doesn't occur due to its difficulty in comprehension of humans writing and debugging the configuration. This structure makes the common tasks and expressions simpler, at the acceptable expense of somewhat more complex general expressions which will be rarely (if ever) used. For example, suppose the goal was to allow requests from loopback, the network, and the network, but not other non-routable networks. This would be :: in( OR in(::1) OR in( OR in( OR (NOT(in(10.0.0/8) OR in( AND NOT(in( There is no AND, but a bit of `DeMorgan magic `__ can transform this to a conjunctive form, expressed in configuration as :: or: - in: - "" - "" - not: in: - "" - "" - "" Note the loopback addresses can be elided because they are subsumed by the "not in the non-routables" clause. History ******* This work is the conjuction of a number of efforts. The original inspiration was the ``header_rewrite`` plugin and the base work in |libswoc| was done with the intention of upgrading ``header_rewrite``. The purpose was to provide much more generalized and expandable string manipulation for working with transaction headers. At the time, ``header_rewrite`` did not support string concatenation at all. When the Buffer Writer formatting became available in the Traffic Server core, it seemed clear this would be an excellent way to provide such facilities to ``header_rewrite``. For a long time work effort was put in to improving |libswoc| to provide the anticipated requirements of the upgrade. However, there was much resistance to moving these improvements back in to the Traffic Server core and therefore upgrading ``header_rewrite`` was no longer feasible. The decision to proceed with a fully separate plugin was catalyzed by work on the ``cookie_remap`` plugin. It seemed similar enough to ``header_rewrite`` that having two different plugins was sub-optimal. Plans were made to do this work. At the same time work was proceeding on upgrading the configuration for the core remap functionality, to make it YAML. As noted, at the Spring 2019 summit this work was rejected in favor of doing a complete overhaul of core remap, not just updating the configuration. I decided at that point that making a plugin to demonstrate my proposed configuration and functionality was the best way to move forward. Going directly to a rewrite of the core code was such a big step that it was likely to get bogged down. A plugin, on the other hand, would be completely separate and not subject to the friction of work on the core. In the long run, if this is successful it is expected the plugin functionality will be moved in to core Traffic Server.