Setting Up a Transaction Hook

The Denylist plugin sends “access forbidden” messages to clients if their requests are directed to listed hosts. Therefore, the plugin needs a transaction hook so it will be called back when Traffic Server’s HTTP state machine reaches the “send response header” event. In the Denylist plugin’s handle_dns routine, the transaction hook is added as follows:

TSMutexLock (sites_mutex);
for (i = 0; i < nsites; i++) {
   if (strncmp (host, sites[i], host_length) == 0) {
      printf ("denylisting site: %s\n", sites[i]);
      TSHttpTxnHookAdd (txnp,
      TSHandleMLocRelease (bufp, hdr_loc, url_loc);
      TSHandleMLocRelease (bufp, TS_NULL_MLOC, hdr_loc);
      TSHttpTxnReenable (txnp, TS_EVENT_HTTP_ERROR);
      TSMutexUnlock (sites_mutex);
TSMutexUnlock (sites_mutex);
TSHttpTxnReenable (txnp, TS_EVENT_HTTP_CONTINUE);

This code fragment shows some interesting features. The plugin is comparing the requested site to the list of listed sites. While the plugin is using the denylist, it must acquire the mutex lock for the denylist to prevent configuration changes in the middle of a denylisting operation. If the requested site is listed, then the following things happen:

  1. A transaction hook is added with TSHttpTxnHookAdd; the plugin is called back at the “send response header” event (i.e., the plugin sends an Access forbidden message to the client). You can see that in order to add a transaction hook, you need a handle to the transaction being processed.

  2. The transaction is reenabled using TSHttpTxnReenable with TS_EVENT_HTTP_ERROR as its event argument. Reenabling with an error event tells the HTTP state machine to stop the transaction and jump to the “send response header” state. Notice that if the requested site is not listed, then the transaction is reenabled with the TS_EVENT_HTTP_CONTINUE event.

  3. The string and TSMLoc data stored in the marshal buffer bufp is released by TSHandleMLocRelease (see Marshal Buffers). Release these handles before re-enabling the transaction.

In general, whenever the plugin is doing something to a transaction, it must reenable the transaction when it is finished. In other words: every time your handler function handles a transaction event, it must call TSHttpTxnReenable when it is finished. Similarly, after your plugin handles session events (TS_EVENT_HTTP_SSN_START and TS_EVENT_HTTP_SSN_CLOSE), it must reenable the session with TSHttpSsnReenable. Reenabling the transaction twice in the same plugin routine is a bad error.