
MemArena provides a memory arena or pool for allocating memory. The intended use is for allocating many small chunks of memory - few, large allocations are best handled independently. The purpose is to amortize the cost of allocation of each chunk across larger allocations in a heap style. In addition the allocated memory is presumed to have similar lifetimes so that all of the memory in the arena can be de-allocatred en masse. This is a memory allocation style used by many cotainers - elements are small and allocated frequently, but all elements are discarded when the container itself is destroyed.


MemArena manages an internal list of memory blocks, out of which it provides allocated blocks of memory. When an instance is destructed all the internal blocks are also freed. The expected use of this class is as an embedded memory manager for a container class.

To support coalescence and compaction of memory, the methods MemArena::freeze() and MemArena::thaw() are provided. These create in effect generations of memory allocation. Calling MemArena::freeze() marks a generation. After this call any further allocations will be in new internal memory blocks. The corresponding call to MemArena::thaw() cause older generations of internal memory to be freed. The general logic for the container would be to freeze, re-allocate and copy the container elements, then thaw. This would result in compacted memory allocation in a single internal block. The uses cases would be either a process static data structure after initialization (coalescing for locality performence) or a container that naturally re-allocates (such as a hash table during a bucket expansion). A container could also provide its own API for its clients to cause a coalesence.

Other than freeze / thaw, this class does not offer any mechanism to release memory beyond its destruction. This is not an issue for either process globals or transient arenas.


MemArena opperates in generations of internal blocks of memory. Each generation marks a series internal block of memory. Allocations always occur from the most recent block within a generation, as it is always the largest and has the most unallocated space. The most recent block (current) is also the head of the linked list of memory blocks. Allocations are given in the form of a MemSpan. Once an internal block of memory has exhausted it’s avaliable space, a new, larger, internal block will be added to the generation. Say this is the current arena state:

component [block] as b1
component [block] as b2
component [block] as b3
component [block] as b4
component [block] as b5
component [block] as b6

b1 -> b2
b2 -> b3
b3 -> b4
b4 -> b5
b5 -> b6

generation -u- b3
current -u- b1

A call to MemArena::thaw() will deallocate any generation that is not the current generation. Thus, currently it is impossible to deallocate ie. just the third generation. Everything after the generation pointer is in previous generations and everything before, and including, the generation pointer is in the current generation. Since blocks are reference counted, thawing is just a single assignment to drop everything after the generation pointer. After a MemArena::thaw():

component [block] as b3
component [block] as b4
component [block] as b5
component [block] as b6

b3 -> b4
b4 -> b5
b5 -> b6

current -u- b3
generation -u- b6

A generation can only be updated with an explicit call to MemArena::freeze(). The next generation is not actually allocated until a call to MemArena::alloc() happens. On the MemArena::alloc() following a MemArena::freeze() the next internal block of memory is the larger of the sum of all current allocations or the number of bytes requested. The reason for this is that the caller could MemArena::alloc() a size larger than all current allocations at which point if we were to resize earlier, an internal block would be wasted. After a MemArena::freeze():

component [block] as b3
component [block] as b4
component [block] as b5
component [block] as b6

b3 -> b4
b4 -> b5
b5 -> b6

current -u- b3

After the next MemArena::alloc():

component [block\nnew generation] as b3
component [block] as b4
component [block] as b5
component [block] as b6
component [block] as b7

b3 -> b4
b4 -> b5
b5 -> b6
b6 -> b7

generation -u- b3
current -u- b3

A caller can actually MemArena::alloc() any number of bytes. Internally, if the arena is unable to allocate enough memory for the allocation, it will create a new internal block of memory large enough and allocate from that. So if the arena is allocated like:

ts::MemArena *arena = new ts::MemArena(64);

The caller can actually allocate more than 64 bytes.

ts::MemSpan span1 = arena->alloc(16);
ts::MemSpan span1 = arena->alloc(256);

Now, span1 and span2 are in the same generation and can both be safely used. After:

ts::MemSpan span3 = arena->alloc(512);

span3 can still be used but span1 and span2 have been deallocated and usage is undefined.

Internal blocks are adjusted for optimization. Each MemArena::Block is just a header for the underlying memory it manages. The header and memory are allocated together for locality such that each MemArena::Block is immediately followed with the memory it manages. If a MemArena::Block is larger than a page (defaulted at 4KB), it is aligned to a power of two. The actual memory that a MemArena::Block can allocate out is slightly smaller. This is because a portion of the allocated memory is reserved for the header. Another 16 bytes is reserved to track the allocation headers used by malloc; for page alignment. ie, the default block size is 32768 bytes, but it will only be able to allocate out 32720 bytes.


class MemArena
class Block

Underlying memory allocated is owned by the Block. A linked list.

size_t size
size_t allocated
std::shared_ptr<Block> next
Block(size_t n)
char *data()

Construct an empty arena.

explicit MemArena(size_t n)

Construct an arena with n bytes.

MemSpan alloc(size_t n)

Allocate an n byte chunk of memory in the arena.

MemArena &freeze(size_t n = 0)

Block all further allocation from any existing internal blocks. If n is zero then on the next allocation request a block twice as large as the current generation, otherwise the next internal block will be large enough to hold n bytes.

MemArena &thaw()

Unallocate all internal blocks that were allocated before the current generation.

MemArena &empty()

Empties the entire arena and deallocates all underlying memory. Next block size will be equal to the sum of all allocations before the call to empty.

size_t size() const

Get the current generation size. The default size of the arena is 32KB unless otherwise specified.

size_t remaining() const

Amount of space left in the generation.

size_t allocated_size() const

Total number of bytes allocated in the arena.

size_t unallocated_size() const

Total number of bytes unallocated in the arena. Can be used to see the internal fragmentation.

bool contains(void *ptr) const

Returns whether or not a pointer is in the arena.

Block *newInternalBlock(size_t n, bool custom)

Create a new internal block and returns a pointer to the block.

size_t arena_size

Current generation size.

size_t total_alloc

Number of bytes allocated out.

size_t next_block_size

Size of next generation.

std::shared_ptr<Block> generation

Pointer to the current generation.

std::shared_ptr<Block> current

Pointer to most recent internal block of memory.