Stats Over HTTP Plugin

This plugin implements an HTTP interface to all Traffic Server statistics. The metrics returned are in a JSON format, for easy processing. This plugin is now part of the standard ATS build process, and should be available after install.

Enabling Stats Over HTTP

To enable this plugin, add to the plugin.config file:

After starting Traffic Server, the JSON metrics are now available on the default URL:


where host and port is the hostname/IP and port number of the server.

Plugin Options


This option causes the plugin to emit floating point and integral metric values as JSON numbers, rather then JSON strings. This can cause interoperability problems since integer metrics have a 64-bit unsigned range.


This option wraps 64-bit unsigned values to the 64-bit signed range. This aids interoperability with Java, since prior to the Java SE 8 release, Java did not have a 64-bit unsigned type.

You can optionally modify the path to use, and this is highly recommended in a public facing server. For example: 81c075bc0cca1435ea899ba4ad72766b

and the URL would then be e.g.:


This is weak security at best, since the secret could possibly leak if you are careless and send it over clear text.