.. Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. .. include:: ../../common.defs .. _admin-logging-destinations: Log Destinations **************** |TS| enables you to control where event log files are located, if and how they will be rotated, and how much space they can consume. The first of these topics is covered in this section, while the latter two will be discussed separately in :ref:`admin-logging-rotation-retention`. Two classes of destinations are provided by |TS| currently: local and remote. Local logging involves storing log data onto filesystems locally mounted on the same system as the |TS| processes themselves and are covered below in :ref:`admin-logging-destinations-local`, while remote logging options involving :manpage:`syslog` and built-in |TS| log collation, are covered below in :ref:`admin-logging-destinations-remote`. .. _admin-logging-destinations-local: Local Logging ============= .. _admin-logging-directory: Log Directory Configuration --------------------------- All local logging output (including incoming collation logs on a |TS| instance configured as a :ref:`admin-logging-collation-server`) are stored within a single base directory. Individual log file configurations may optionally append subdirectories to this base path. This location is adjusted with :ts:cv:`proxy.config.log.logfile_dir` in :file:`records.config`. This configuration may specify either an absolute path on the host (if it begins with ``/``) or a path relative to the |TS| installation directory (any setting which does not begin with ``/``). |TS| will need to be restarted, or you will need to run :option:`traffic_ctl config reload` for changes to the logging directory to take effect. Local Log Formats ----------------- Local |TS| logs may be emitted in three different formats. The optimal format depends on how administrators intend to use the log data. The first two options, :ref:`admin-logging-ascii` and :ref:`admin-logging-binary` offer persistent storage of log data, which may be accessed and analyzed by other programs at any time (until the log file's configured rotation/retention policies, as discussed later in :ref:`admin-logging-rotation-retention`). The third option, :ref:`admin-logging-pipes` offers no persistent storage of log data, but rather a live stream of logged events which may be read and interpreted by external processes as they occur. .. _admin-logging-ascii: ASCII Log Files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ASCII |TS| logs are human-readable, plain-text files with output that is easily read directly and without the required aid of any additional processing or conversion tools. By default, log files in this format will have a ``.log`` extension. .. _admin-logging-binary: Binary Log Files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Binary log file output from |TS| avoids the conversion overhead of internal |TS| data structures to ASCII strings, but any use of these files by external programs (or just reading by a human) will first require the use of a converter application. Binary log files by default will have a ``.blog`` file extension. .. _admin-logging-pipes: Named Pipes ~~~~~~~~~~~ In addition to ASCII and binary file modes for custom log formats, |TS| can output log entries in ``ASCII_PIPE`` mode. This mode writes the log entries to a UNIX named pipe (a buffer in memory). Other processes may read from this named pipe using standard I/O functions. The advantage of this mode is that |TS| does not need to write the entries to disk, which frees disk space and bandwidth for other tasks. When the buffer is full, |TS| drops log entries and issues an error message indicating how many entries were dropped. Because |TS| only writes complete log entries to the pipe, only full records are dropped. Output to named pipes is always, as the mode's name implies, in ASCII format. There is no option for logging binary format log data to a named pipe. .. _admin-logging-ascii-v-binary: Deciding Between ASCII or Binary Output ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |TS| offers both ASCII and binary output for log files because each offer advantages under different circumstances. The primary concerns and trade offs that should be considered are covered below. Many of the trade offs between formats will depend heavily on the specific formats you choose for your logs. To make an accurate determination on whether ASCII or binary logging is better for your systems, it is recommended that (with good system and performance monitoring, of course) that you test each format separately under real world traffic. The only blanket statement that can really be offered in good conscience is that ASCII logging *generally* offers a lower path of resistance as no additional conversion tools will be necessary. Disk Space ^^^^^^^^^^ ASCII logs tend to consume more disk space than their binary counterparts. Many numeric fields (e.g. content lengths, HTTP status codes, request and response times, and so on) as well as string representation of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses will consume more bytes than their binary formats. There are exceptions (a field containing just the value ``0`` will use a single byte in an ASCII log, but four bytes in a binary log), so a guarantee cannot be made, but the general tendency for typical log line formats is to consume slightly more space in ASCII. CPU Overhead ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Emitting ASCII format logs does incur some additional processing as the internal |TS| data structures for relevant transaction details need to be converted into ASCII strings. While this is usually negligible overhead for most installations, you may wish to compare the performance overhead between emitting ASCII or binary log data if you are very concerned with |TS| runtime performance. By using the binary log format, you may gain a very slight amount of proxy performance, at the cost of having to invoke an intermediary converter application every time you wish to view or process the log data. External Programs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ As mentioned above, any use of the log data by other programs will require the addition of a converter application should you opt for the binary format. If you are frequently ingesting the log data elsewhere, you may not wish to have the time and processing cost of this additional step every time. If the external program is ingesting the logs continuously, you may wish to use a named pipe output from |TS| instead, which is always in ASCII format, but doesn't have the potentially increased storage needs as there is no persistent storage of the log data involved (at least not by |TS| - the application ingesting the data is probably storing its own results somewhere). It also avoids unnecessary disk I/O operations if you only care about the final, analyzed version of the log data and have no permanent use for the intermediate (and raw) output from |TS|. Alternatively, if you wish to hyper-optimize your |TS| runtime performance and are only ingesting the log data with an external application on a batched schedule, you might consider logging from |TS| using the binary format, then establishing an externally scheduled one-time conversion of the log data to a more easily ingested ASCII format into separate file(s). Coordination of this conversion with the |TS| log rotations would be your responsibility. .. _admin-logging-destinations-remote: Remote Logging ============== |TS| provides for remote log-shipping functionality, which may be used in addition to or instead of local log storage. This section covers the current options available. .. _admin-logging-syslog: Syslog ------ At this time, |TS| supports sending log data to :manpage:`syslog` only for the system and emergency logs. Sending custom event or transaction error logs to syslog is not directly supported. You may use external log aggregation tools, such as Logstash, to accomplish this by having them handle the ingestion of |TS| local log files and forwarding to whatever receivers you wish. .. _admin-logging-collation: Log Collation ------------- .. note:: Log collation is a *deprecated* feature as of ATS v8.0.0, and will be removed in ATS v9.0.0. Our recommendation is to use one of the many existing log collection tools, such as Kafka, LogStash, FileBeat, Fluentd or even syslog / syslog-ng (see above). |TS| offers remote log shipping natively through the log collation feature, which allows one or more |TS| instances handling regular traffic to transmit their log data to one or more |TS| instances acting as collation servers. This allows you to centralize your |TS| logging for (potentially) easier analysis and reporting in environments with many |TS| instances. Collation servers may be |TS| instance running a stripped down configuration aimed at log collation only (and omitting any configuration for actual traffic proxying or caching). When a |TS| node generates a buffer of event log entries, it first determines if it is the collation server or a collation client. The collation server node writes all log buffers to its local disk (as per its :file:`logging.yaml` configuration), just as it would if log collation was not enabled. The collation client nodes prepare their log buffers for transfer across the network and send the buffers to the configured log collation server. If log clients cannot contact their log collation server, then they write their log buffers to their local disks, into orphan log files. Orphaned log files require manual collation. .. important:: Log collation can have an impact on network performance. Because all nodes are forwarding their log data buffers to the single collation server, a bottleneck can occur. In addition, collated log files contain timestamp information for each entry, but entries in the files do not appear in strict chronological order. You may want to sort collated log files before doing analysis. .. _admin-logging-collation-client: Collation Client ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To configure a |TS| node to be a collation client, follow the steps below. #. In the :file:`records.config` file, edit the following variables: - :ts:cv:`proxy.local.log.collation_mode`: ``2`` to configure this node as log collation client and send standard formatted log entries to the collation server. For custom log entries, see :file:`logging.yaml`. - :ts:cv:`proxy.config.log.collation_host` - :ts:cv:`proxy.config.log.collation_port` - :ts:cv:`proxy.config.log.collation_secret` - :ts:cv:`proxy.config.log.collation_host_tagged` - :ts:cv:`proxy.config.log.max_space_mb_for_orphan_logs` #. Run the command :option:`traffic_ctl config reload` to apply the configuration changes. .. note:: If you modify the collation port or secret after connections between the collation server and collation clients have been established, you must restart |TS| on all nodes. .. _admin-logging-collation-server: Collation Server ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To configure a |TS| node to be a collation server, perform the following configuration adjustments in :file:`records.config`: #. Set :ts:cv:`proxy.local.log.collation_mode` to ``1`` to indicate this node will be a server. :: CONFIG proxy.local.log.collation_mode INT 1 #. Configure the port on which the server will listen to incoming collation transfers from clients, using :ts:cv:`proxy.config.log.collation_port`. If omitted, this defaults to port ``8085``. :: CONFIG proxy.config.log.collation_port INT 8085 #. Configure the shared secret used by collation clients to authenticate their sessions, using :ts:cv:`proxy.config.log.collation_secret`. :: CONFIG proxy.config.log.collation_secret STRING seekrit #. Run the command :option:`traffic_ctl config reload` to apply the configuration changes. .. note:: If you modify the collation port or secret after connections between the collation server and collation clients have been established, you must restart |TS| on all nodes. .. _admin-logging-collating-custom-formats: Collating Custom Logs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you use custom event log files, then you must edit :file:`logging.yaml`, in addition to configuring a collation server and collation clients. To collate custom event log files: #. On each collation client, edit :file:`logging.yaml` and add the ``CollationHosts`` attribute to the relevant logs. For example, adding two collation hosts to an ASCII log that uses the Squid format would look like: .. code:: yaml logs: - mode: ascii format: squid filename: squid collationhosts: - - #. Run the command :option:`traffic_ctl config reload` to restart |TS|.