
Set the data associated with a secret name specified in the config.


#include <ts/ts.h>
TSReturnCode TSSslSecretSet(const char *secret_name, int secret_name_length, const char *secret_data, int secret_data_len)


TSSslSecretSet() updates the current secret map. Generally the secret name corresponds to the name of a certificate or a key. Future creation of SSL_CTX objects that use the secret will use the newly specified data. It can be useful to call this function from the TS_LIFECYCLE_SSL_SECRET_HOOK.


Get the data associated with a secret name specified in the config.


#include <ts/ts.h>
TSReturnCode TSSslSecretGet(const char *secret_name, int secret_name_length, const char **secret_data_return, int *secret_data_len)


TSSslSecretGet() fetches the named secret from the current secret map. TS_ERROR is returned if there is no entry for the secret.


Tell Traffic Server to update the SSL objects dependent on the secret.


#include <ts/ts.h>
TSReturnCode TSSslSecretUpdate(const char *secret_name, int secret_name_length)


TSSslSecretUpdate() causes Traffic Server to update the SSL objects that depend on the specified secret. This enables a plugin to look for multiple secret updates and make calls to TSSslSecretSet() to update the secret table. Then once everything is updated call TSSslSecretUpdate() to update the SSL objects with a consistent updated set of secrets.